Thursday, 29 September 2011

Product Review: Nuby Comfort Manual Breast Pump

I didn't think to get a breast pump whilst I was pregnant, mainly because as I don't have big breasts I was always un confident about my possible breast feeding abilities - I didn't think I'd have enough milk and assumed I'd have to resign to bottle feeding which I was upset about.
Comfortable and Efficient
When Grace was born she couldn't seem to get any milk/colostrum so I put her straight onto formula. However 2 days later my milk came in and I was so happy it was such a relief. Grace however had become accustomed to the bottle teats and got frustrated when breast feeding, although she managed it a bit, and I tried a few times during the first two weeks.
The day after my milk came in Ash went out to get me a breast pump. I'd asked him to get the Nuby Comfort Manual Breast pump as I'd seen that one in Boots and knew it wasn't too expensive and we are on a budget.

I didn't think to take a picture of the box, as the last thing on my mind was my blog or reviews as I had my tiny newborn and was in a magical bubble of joy, magic, excitement and fear of the unknown!
I've stopped expressing now so my pump and storage bottle have been put away, so I have used a stock image from the Boots website.
There was an offer on at Boots to get it for a reduced price of £19.16 which is still on, compared to its RRP of £24.99. That's a 25% reduction.

It came with some free breast pads, which were useful as I didn't think to get any of those in either, and I desperately needed them from here on as I would leak loads!

It did take me a couple of goes to get used to it, purely because I had never done this before! It was alien to me! Once I'd had a couple of tries it was easy to use and comfortable thanks to the soft massage cushion and the adjustable pressure valve. The latter was particularly useful the first day I used it, as my breasts were quite tender from being so full. It molded around the breast well and was very efficient for a manual breast pump.
It was easy to put together and to disassemble and fit in our Nuby microwave steam sterilizer (that we received free from them by sending my 22 weeks scan picture in).

I can't fault this product, for a manual pump it is great and the design and features are well thought through.

Despite the price its not good value
Due to reviewing some products for the Practical Parenting and Pregnancy Magazine awards, I had another breast pump to compare it to. They sent me the 'Babies are us' manual breast pump, which although has a great price tag, I didn't find great value at all, as I thought it was awful in comparrison!
There was no massage cushion so your breast was just against the hard uncomfortable plastic which I didn't find stimulated the expression of milk very well. It didn't seem as efficient and I struggled with it and I didn't like the way it was put together. I 100% preferred the Nuby pump.

Here's what Nuby say about the product:
  • Gentle express mimics breastfeeding
  • Efficient & comfortable expressing
  • Helps combine breast & bottle feeding
  • Soft massaging cushion stimulates the breast & encourages your natural milk flow
  • Adjustable suction valve ensures ultimate comfort, as it allows you to adjust the suction pressure of the pump
  • Set includes:
    • 5 oz/ 150 ml PP Natural NurserTM
    • 8 oz/ 240 ml PP Natural NurserTM with breast sized slow flow silicone teat, screw ring & hood
    • Breast pump standing cradle
    • Silicone storage lid
    • 6 disposable pads
* I would recommend this to anyone looking to get a manual breast pump, and I imagine their electric one is brilliant too. If on less of a budget I would have gone for that:
Nuby Rhythm Electric Breast Pump

 If brought from Boots instead of the Nuby website, you get a saving of over £20 due to their current 25% off offer on Nuby Breast pumps.

I did get sent an electric breast pump by Ardo to review a couple of weeks later but never got chance to use it.

Sadly I didn't manage to express for more than 3 weeks as I would never get time. I shouldn't have had so many visitors and it does make me sad that maybe I would have been able to do it for longer if I had made people wait to come.
When visitors had been I would be busy looking after Grace and trying to keep on top of house work (although Ash was great whilst he was off work, which did help considering I had to recover from giving birth and had some painful stitches) and when I finally got some free time I would be too tired. So in that case I'd reccomend getting the electric one as I'm sure I would have managed it then despite the tiredness.

Useful links:
Will you be expressing breast milk? What brand of pump are you thinking of investing in?

                                                             x - X - x

1 comment:

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