Friday, 16 September 2011

30 Day Celebrity Challenge

Another challenge I found on Emma Louise's blog and also over at Life of a Sweetaholic.

It looks like fun.....feel free to join in too!

  Day 1: First celebrity obsession          

Day 2: First celebrity encounter

Day 3: Favourite TV celebrity character
Day 4: Current celebrity obsession
Day 5: Current celebrity crush #1
Day 6: A celebrity you’d love to sit down and have a conversation with
Day 7: A celebrity you find beautiful 
Day 8: Favourite actor and actress 

Day 9: A celebrity you share a birthday with

Day 10: A celebrity you’d love to hang out with

Day 11: Current celebrity crush #2
Day 12: An artist you’d love to see live
Day 13: A celebrity you respect purely for talent
Day 14: A celebrity you feel you’d be good friends with
Day 15: A celebrity you wish would adopt you
Day 16: Current celebrity crush #3
Day 17: A celebrity you are not at all a fan of
Day 18: A celebrity you dislike that others seem to love
Day 19: A celebrity love that others seem to dislike
Day 20: Favourite no longer alive celebrity
Day 21:  Current celebrity crush #4
Day 22: A celebrity you find adorable
Day 23: A celebrity you’d marry right here, right now
Day 24: A celebrity whose personality is irresistible
Day 25: A celebrity you respect for what they’ve been through in life
Day 26: Shouldn't fancy, but do fancy celebrity

Day 27: A celebrity you find annoying
Day 28: Current celebrity crush #5

Day 29: Favourite comedian celebrity
Day 30: The hottest celebrity in the world
x - X - x

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