Friday, 15 July 2011

Guess the Weight - My First Blog Giveaway (CLOSED)

After entering a few people's lovely blog giveaway's and winning two, I was getting the urge to do one myself. So inspired by lovely Rachael over at Rachael Marie-x-Mummy to be I too am doing a 'Guess the Weight' competition, soon to be followed by another giveaway which will be jewellery themed. There will be more details about the second giveaway in my next blog post tomorrow.
I'm starting off small, but its still a prize I think the majority would be pleased to win, unless you are one of those crazy people without a sweet tooth :p 

So up for Grabs for my first blog giveaway is: 

A Huge Pile of Sweets and Chocolate
Not actually the one pictured as I will go and buy the sweets and chocolate once the winner has been chosen just in case any dietary needs need to be met e.g if you are vegetarian or have a peanut allergy.
But it will probably contain some of the following and more:
  • Flumps
  • Love Hearts
  • Rainbow Drops
  • Reeses Pieces and Peanut Butter Cups
  • Fruit Pastels
  • Snickers
  • Sherbert Treats
  • A range of other chocolate bars
  • Strawberry Laces
  • M n M's
  • Skittles 
  • Haribo
  • Jelly tots
  • Malteasers

So here's what you have to do to enter:
  1.  Be a follower of my Blog via GFC or Twitter, and leave your GFC name
  2. Leave your email so I can contact you if you are the winner
  3. Guess the weight you think my baby girl will be when she finally pops out
  4. If you want to guess the date and time she will arrive and get that right I will send you out a few packets of sweets in the post. 
  5. This is open to old and new followers, providing you don't just follow and then un-follow when the competition is over. Otherwise you will be barred from future giveaways. 

Here are some clues to help you out.....although they may be completely useless.

Here are some pics of my bump at 37 weeks gestation:

I'm now 38 weeks and 2 days and Due on July 27th

* If two or more people guess the correct weight, then I will use a name generator to pick a winner. If no one guesses the correct weight I will pick the person who was closest to the right answer.

So please pass the word on and get entering =) I'm due in 12 days, but she could be early or late and the competition will close when she has been born. I will notify the winner and get the prize out within a week of announcing it. Good Luck =)

                                                         x - X - x


Lou said...
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Lou said...

Great idea for a competition Adele!

I think she's going to weigh 6lb 5oz. I also think she'll be born 3rd August at 4am.

Lots of love! xx

Rachael x said...

Aww ur bump is so small!! :)

I think she will weigh 6lb 12oz and will be born 31st July at 10am.


Jade said...

I think 7lb! I'm hoping 20th August - purely for your sake!


Unknown said...

...of August?!! Why lol. That would be awful....i already feel like a cripple. Luckily the most overdue they're gonna let me go is a week n half. I hope you meant July :) xxx

Unknown said...

Entry for Kirsty Croston (it wouldn't let her post) 6lb11.5 oz July 21st at 7.41

abigail'patricia said...

7lb 11oz July 29th at 7pm
Abigail Hyslop

Felicity said...

I think 6lb 2oz and she will be born on 25th July (Eric's birthday!) at 2:03am :)

Emma-Louise said...

23rd July at 5:10am weighing 8lb 6


Anna Smith said...

july the 29th :) 11am!

weighing 7lb 1oz!

Melsmakeuplove said...

hmm i was going to say 7lbs as that was Neve but ill go with 7lb1oz on the 2nd aug at 7pm ish lol :D xxx

Rebecca Smith said...

7lb 3oz
July 24th


Violent Delights said...

Lol I can only imagine Jade meant July, not August!

I'll say 6lb8oz, born on 1st August at 2.40pm.

Unknown said...

I shall post a blog announcing the winner tomorrow x