Tuesday, 2 September 2014


So I'm trying to get my new blog up and running. I have a lot of posts in draft from I've not had time to finish yet. I'm not sure on the best ways to get my blog out there apart from attempting good SEO and joining tots 100. I've been joining in with some click and chat social media on another blog but after that I'm striking a blank.

I suppose I shouldn't worry too much until my blog is a bit more established post wise so people can get a proper feel of what it's about. It's mostly just parenting posts currently but after a while (more personal posts) I'm hoping my blog will get it's own personality - if that makes sense.

I feel I've aged so much in the 4 years since I started this blog due to personal circumstances....which i don't like....so I'm hoping I can still retain a bit of youth from this one, but with a more mature writing style!
